Much Ado about Puffin!

Monday, 15 April 2024

We are thrilled to welcome ten beautiful pint-sized Icelandic rescue puffins into our family here at the Sanctuary! Visit us and enjoy watching these mesmerising birds as they dive around exploring their new home on ‘Puffin Island

Our new exhibit is the only sanctuary in the UK to house rescued puffins, offering a first hand glimpse into their world that was previously limited to conservation areas.

All ten of our new resident puffins are non-releasable rescued birds who were rehabilitated by our sister SEA LIFE TRUST Beluga Whale Sanctuary in Vestmannaeyjar, Iceland before joining us here in Cornwall.

The island of Vestmannaeyjar, where the Beluga Whale Sanctuary is located, is home to the largest Atlantic Puffin breeding colony in the world. The Sanctuary rescues, rehabilitates, and releases around 60 injured and oiled puffins every year. However, there are a few that cannot be released back into the wild due to the severity of their injuries and their inability to fend for or feed themselves.

These puffins have been relocated to us here at the Cornish Seal Sanctuary to be cared for and to create space to allow our sister Sanctuary to continue its vital rehabilitation work in Iceland.

Our brand new ‘Puffin Island’ exhibit will be the only habitat in the UK to housed rescue puffins, who, until now have only been visible in the wild in limited conservation areas.

Atlantic puffins are also native to Cornwall where they are sadly classified as endangered and included on the red list as a species of concern in the UK.  We are hoping the presence of these characterful birds will allow us to educate our guests about the ‘plight of the puffin’

Book Tickets to Puffin Island!