The Sanctuary

Meet our ten new Icelandic rescue puffins!
Say hello to our new little Icelandic friends as they explore their new home on Puffin Island here at the Sanctuary.
We have recently welcomed these beautiful birds to join our family here in Cornwall after being carefully transported from our sister Beluga Whale Sanctuary in Iceland. We are delighted to be able to offer these birds a safe home here in Cornwall and hope to inspire our guests to protect the precious species.
Harbour Views
Visit our Harbour Views Pool and meet our resident grey seals. Each of our resident grey seals carry their own unique story for living here at the Sanctuary, make sure you attend the Seal talk to find out them all. During pup season, our rescued grey seal pups will also live in this Pool as part of their final stage of rehabilitation, where they learn how to fight for their fish and how to interact with adult grey seals to help them when they are released back into the wild!

Get up close to our fantastic creatures with our underwater viewing areas! We have three incredible
underwater viewing areas located in our Harbour View Pool, and our Seal Rescue Centre.
Discover something amazing!

Each year, we rehabilitate over 70 grey seal pups from local coastal waters and bring them into our specialist Seal Hospital.
Our Seal Hospital has the facilities to look after 6 poorly Seal pups at one time. Each Seal costs over £2,000 to rehabilitate and we are incredibly grateful for the continued support from our guests.
The Cornish Seal Sanctuary rescues numerous pups every year. You'll be able to follow the journey of our injured seal pups through their rescue from local coastal waters, through rehabilitation and eventually release back into the wild!

Once our rescued seal pups injuries have healed and they have reached a healthy weight we release them back into the wild.
We couldn’t do our work without you. Every year, we rescue seal pups in need of care from around the coastline. From wounds, to entanglement to malnourishment; there are lots of reasons why seal pups might need rescuing.
Seal pups cost on average £2000 to go through rehabilitation – and this doesn’t include those that require special care, such as Ted who came to us with a broken jaw and needed surgery or Harry who was so entangled in netting his wounds were life threatening. Pups such as these need more care and this can be pricey – we had 86 rescues during the 2017 season, and the costs add up!
We are grateful for any donation received. Your money could go a long way to helping our animals get the care they really need.